Airplanes and Summer Camps

A prospective parent applying for the HAT program recently asked a great question that I want to share with you all. She asked, “What makes the High Altitude summer camp different from the [shoe brand] summer camps that I have researched which are located here and throughout the U.S.?” I love questions like that, and my response was shaped in the form of a story of sorts.

Ryan Segelke - Founder, High Altitude Tennis LLC, The HAT FUND, Inc.
Ryan Segelke – Founder, High Altitude Tennis LLC, The HAT FUND, Inc.

What was my response? I described the scenario which we have all experienced when you get onto an airplane: you get comfy in your seat and begin a surface level encounter with a very nice person sitting next to you. You don’t feel as if you have a choice since you will be spending the next three hours next to this person and you don’t want to seem rude or anti-social. So, you make the most of it. And, besides, you might learn something new!

You open up the conversation by asking if they are returning home or heading off for vacation and the conversation continues from there. By the end of the three hour flight, you have learned some very basic, surface-level information about the person next to you. And, who knows, maybe you exchange cards so you can grab coffee sometime in the future (in my experience, even in the best of connections, the likelihood of actually grabbing coffee is near zilch). Ninety-nine percent of the time, this encounter does not get beyond the initial conversation. There is just typically not enough time or genuine interest to delve into deeper issues that may be going on in each of your lives.

This is what makes High Altitude Tennis Academy unique. We take great pride in delving deeper to understand what makes each individual student tick. The vast majority of general summer academy offerings sponsored by local colleges and big name-brand shoes are not meant to go beyond this surface-level encounter. And if you look close enough and ask the right questions, you will find just that. This is not a bad thing by the way! With roughly 25% of the families that I talk to, the student is not yet ready for intensive training and is 100% suited to attend a basic camp. And I always recommend and refer them appropriately if this is the case. The feedback I recieve weekly is that there are a large pool of players who have enjoyed and had fun with this type of program but have realized that they have now outgrown this experience and are craving more. A portion of that group is just at a loss and not clearly able to articulate the breakdown they are having. They sense that this fun but non-intensive camp experience won’t get their child to their ultimate goals, yet they aren’t sure what else is out there…That’s where we come in!

If the young scholar-athlete is “driving the bus” and asking for more intensive training and curriculum that includes competition with players from around the world and mom and dad are supportive of not only their child’s aspirations but our champion methodology, that’s a family we are looking for!

At the end of the conversation, I emphasized strongly to the prospective parent to have a fun but serious talk about what their young  athlete is ready for and, based on that conversation, invest their money appropriately. So, that’s the question I leave you all with today: are you looking for a surface level encounter? Or are you looking for something deeper and more meaningful? I would speculate that this is a question that can be thought provoking concerning all parts of your life in today’s fast-paced, over-stimulated, instant-gratification world. But we will leave that for a different article!

We hope that you are enjoying the HAT monthly newsletter! Do you have a specific question you would like to see answered by me in a future article? E-mail me directly at, and thank you from the bottom our hearts for allowing us to be a part of your child’s journey!

May 2015
By: Ryan Segelke
Grand Slam Level Coach and
Founder of High Altitude Tennis Academy


The HAT Academy Hosted its Tennis Year-End Event in Denver, Colorado

May 31st , 2015 – Denver, Colorado, USA – 

Each year the HAT Academy present students with awards for academic achievement named for a “trailblazer” in the field of education.  Last year we were honored to have our own advisory council member Marilyn M Gordanier founder of Laurel Springs School and this year were extremely proud to be presenting the Rachel Davis Academic Achievement Award to scholar athletes who have completed the year with a GPA of 3.75 and above.

 Award Recipients:

James Chrisman,

Samantha Moore -Thomson,

Ryan Lahr,

Sauray Behara,

Ryan Neale,

Andrew Seehausen,

Megan Lantz

Dr Rachel Davis, PHD
Dr Rachel Davis, PHD

What a moving speech Dr. Davis shared with us. The HF Community is thrilled to have such a passionate, thoughtful person leading us as the Chair of the HAT FUND Board.

The second student honor, The DaVarryl J Williamson Leadership Award was presented to Trace Collins.  Throughout the years Trace has shown the proclivity to serve as a role model with energy, enthusiasm and perseverance.  He has courageously overcome daunting neurological issues.  The courage shown by this young man is inspired.  Mr. DaVarryl Williamson in fact inspired us all with his talk about overcoming obstacles, choosing your path, and focusing on what the future has to offer if we are willing to put in the effort and accept help from others rather than falling prey to the hardships of the past.

DaVarryl J Williamson with Trance Collins
DaVarryl J Williamson and  Trace Collins (with his Leadership Award).

Other Speakers included Mr. and Mrs. Collins, parents of HAT graduate and award recipient Trace Collins, Michael Farrington, HAT Site Director and Lead Fitness Instructor along with Ryan Segelke, Founder of High Altitude Tennis.

Rachel Davis, PHD distributing awards among our young athlete for their performances
Rachel Davis, PHD distributing awards among our young athlete for their performances

“I want to say thank you to the HAT Community for coming out to support this event as well as supporting the HAT programs each year.   Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the HAT FUND… there are many… and a very special thank you to Ryan Segelke and the extremely dedicated and loyal HAT staff.  I am extremely proud to be a part of such a hardworking, devoted team.”

“I look forward to seeing everyone at the next HF Event.” – Leslie Segelke, Co-Founder | Director of The HAT Fund

June 24th  HF Enrichment Event: Unique Lives and Experiences/Malala Yousafzai is being held at the Bellco Theatre, Denver.  We will send detailed information soon.

Share your inspirational stories at #hatfundstories on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, google plus.

Hurray! The Summer Camp Season is here

As we all know that summer has come and its the month of June when most of the kids are looking out for a place to cool off. This is the only time when there is a need to learn extra curriculum activities. Here, where High Altitude Tennis LLC in collaboration with The Hat Fund, Inc comes into limelight.

We as an expertise in the world of tennis have professional coaches and the best infrastructure where your kids not only learn tennis but basic ethics, education as well as how to be the best in the world of competition. Every year we hold events form awards ceremony for the scholar athlete to the training camps.

DaVarryl Williamson with the Leadership Awardee Trace Collins at HAT Community Celebrations
DaVarryl Williamson with the Leadership Awardee Trace Collins.
Rachel Davis, PHD distributing awards among our young athlete for their performances at HAT Community Celebration
Rachel Davis, PHD distributing awards among our young athlete for their performances.

This year we kick started from the HAT Community Celebrations held on Sunday, 31st May 2015, following the Summer Camp started on June 1st 2015 at SUMMER ACADEMY at METRO STATE UNIVERSITY, Denver, Colorado.

High Altitude Tennis is excited to announce that we are proud to have partnered with Metro State University and we will be running our elite summer camps at the brand new, state of the art Recency Sports Complex.

The Campus

The Regency Sports Complex will provide an ideal setting for this years summer camps. With 8 tennis courts located on a sprawling 12-acres including a brand new lounge where we will have our daily lunches, this will certainly be the elite tennis camp to attend in 2015.

The High Altitude Tennis Summer Academy is one of a kind combining a specialized coaching methodology; stroke mechanics, player tactics and match strategies, with a conditioning and injury prevention program in the most rigorous training environment available. In short our development method works and we can prove it! However, what we are most proud if is our ability to build trust with each individual student which allows tennis to be our vehicle to teach the life lessons required to be tomorrows leaders and powerful contributors to society.

For Registration, Kindly click on the link : 

Share your inspirational stories at #hatfundstories on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, google plus.

For Media Contacts:

Raghav Kohli, Email-id: